
Here you can find the basics on how part of the Library works and how to interact with them.

Finity Reborn Library

Finity Reborn has a variety of different modules for you to customize your cheat. Below is the documentation on how to use each of them.

WIP || Work in progress, Haven't added most things yet.


You can add the library to your exploit by doing the following:

local Finity = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()

Use the above line of code before you run any of Project Finity's UI methods.

You can change the name from 'Finity' to whatever you want, But if your new and do not understand how to use Finity I recommend you stick with the current name.

Finity Modules

Toast Messages


Each Alert type has its own colour tied to it, Warning will be a Yellow-Orange, Info a sort of White and Success Green


local FinityWindow =

You can Parse an Boolean Value to Enable or Disable Dark Mode for the GUI.

A Finity Window is what stores all the rest of your content within your GUI.

Although you hide the Tool Tip you might still need to add a string, It doesn't have to contain anything. It could be just "".

When using a custom theme. Make sure the Custom Theme is inside the CustomTheme.lua file when defining it from the list and that the name given is matching.


A Category can be made by doing the following:

local FinityCategory = FinityWindow:Category()

You can parse an String Value to give the Category an Name to help users distinguish between each Category.

The default toggle key is the Home key.


local FinitySector = FinityCategory:Sector()

You can Parse an String Value to give the Sector an name to to help users distinguish between each Sector.

A Finity Sector instance is essentially a mini-category, allowing for even more categorization. You could say these are like tabs.

For example, it would allow you to sub-categorize a "Visuals" category into things like "Player Visuals," "Zombie Visuals," and "Item Visuals."

Below are the methods associated with a Finity Sector.


local FinityCheat = FinitySector:Cheat("type", "name", function (NewValue)
end, {})

A Finity Cheat is a cheat modules useful for hooking Call Backs to Toggles in order to have a smooth and organized script.

There are many different types of Cheat Modules. Here's a table to compare them all:


finity.EnableDebugging(status) -- Status only excepts true or false

The status is a boolean value. This means it only accepts true or false, anything other than true or false will cause it to throw an error.

You have reached the end!

Have ago at making your own GUI! If you have any suggestion then please let me know by submitting an suggesting in the discord!

Last updated